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We’re Here To Help When You Or A Friend Need It

Call Our 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-661-8294

Violence against women can take many forms. Individuals are more likely to recognize physical violence as abuse; however, abuse can also be verbal, emotional, sexual or financial. Abuse in any form is not acceptable. At Sandgate, we want to ensure women who are being subjected to violence have options available to them and a safe place to go.

If you are concerned about a friend’s safety, there are ways you can help! First, you can call us to discuss her situation and find supportive ways to navigate the conversation with your friend. Additionally, you can:

  • Suggest she call our 24-hour crisis line at 1-800-661-8294 or visit our website at sandgate.ca;
  • Let her know there are community resources available to help her, including child and youth support, medical support, counselling, shelters and whatever else she may need;
  • Remind her to call 911 if she ever feels afraid;
  • If possible and safe for you, teach any children involved how to dial 911;
  • Let your friend keep a bag of important belongings at your house or office, known as an “escape bag”;
  • If it will not risk your own safety, you could offer support with childcare, transportation or a place to stay; and,
  • Most importantly, be there for her. Empower her to make decisions for herself and respect her choices.